Your Values, Your Voice, and Your Vote

Church, every election cycle is an opportunity to set the course for our nation. As a Constitutional Republic, each of us is given a voice and a vote. It is a right and responsibility that we must not take lightly. 

Early voting opens up Wednesday, October 26 and I encourage you to get out and vote. We get the government we choose in America and we are all participants in that process. Your voice and your vote matters. This is not an election you can afford to sit out.

This election, there are several issues on the ballot that carry serious repercussions for future generations. Chief amongst those issues is that of abortion. Let me be clear. Grace World is unapologetically pro-life. We believe that abortion is immoral and wrong in every and all situations.  This is not a political issue for us, it is a spiritual one. Every child is a unique person with a unique call upon their life. Every child has a right to life and this election you have an opportunity to be a voice for the voiceless. I pray America hears a resounding vote for life this year!

Another issue that has come to the forefront is the sexualization, perversion and indoctrination of our children especially within our school systems. The God ordained, traditional family structure is being torn down and redefined. As believers we understand that the family is the first institution created by God. It is the foundation of community and society.  As the home goes, so goes the nation. It seems unthinkable that our nation would be engaged in a debate on the definition of what a woman or man is, but this is where we are. If you believe in God’s design for gender and family, I encourage you to get out and vote your values. America needs to hear a resounding rebuke from parents this year!

Like you, I’m concerned for the economic future of our nation with soaring inflation and run away debt. I am concerned about the prospect of global conflict as a result of the war in Ukraine. I am concerned about our national security and rising crime in our cities. It seems as though the soul of our nation is on the ballot this year. As believers, we have responsibility to pray for nation and our nation’s leaders. And as Americans we have an opportunity to use our voice through our vote to help set the direction for the future. If the church will simply be the church and exercise both our vote in the polling station and our voice in the public square, we can call our nation back to righteousness and its Judeo-Christian foundations.

Pray for the elections and get out and vote. 

I’ve included some helpful links so that you can find your closest polling locations, download sample ballots, and to research candidates. I’ve also included a link to a voters guide from Florida Family Action to help identify the candidates positions on key issues. This is especially helpful on judges and amendments where their political affiliations is not identified.

I look forward to seeing you on Sunday!





Voter Guides For Candidates